News Page
3 February 2025
Alexandra Theatre Construction Work - Progress Updates
Since our most recent update, our main contractor Neilcott has made the following progress:
- Completed the soft stripping of the theatre’s interior.
- Completed the demolition of the building to the West Elevation of the theatre, facing out onto Place Saint-Maur.
- Begun the demolition of the North elevation, facing onto Belmont Street.
- Started work to protect Place Saint-Maur from any potential impact whilst the theatre undergoes rejuvenation.
- Completed high level mechanical and electrical works.
- Installed a temporary traffic management solution on Belmont Street. This will remain in place for the duration of the theatre’s rejuvenation.
In the coming weeks, ‘enabling’ work will continue. This will include:
- Completing demolition of the building’s North elevation.
- Full installation of protective structures in Place Saint-Maur.
- Installation of steel supports at ground floor level.
- Installation of a piling mat, (once the design has been finalised) to ensure sufficient stability and reliability for the safe operation of piling rigs and other heavy plant on site.
Arun District Council will provide regular updates on the construction work. For any inquiries regarding the ongoing construction works please contact Arun District Council’s community representatives, DevComms, at regisrejuvenation@devcomms.co.uk or on 0800 080 3178.
16 January 2025
Neilcott Construction (Neilcott), the main contractor appointed by Arun District Council, has been progressing well with the construction of the rejuvenated Alexandra Theatre. The theatre remains on track to open in mid-2026.
The west side of the theatre facing Place Saint Maur has now been demolished, and the demolition of the theatre’s north (Belmont Street) side is scheduled to start from this week. The internal strip-out of the building continues to progress well, and the first of the proposed performance studios has been formed by remodelling internal partitions and removing the first-floor plant room.
Internal scaffolding and decking have been installed to allow access to the underside of the main theatre roof for ongoing structural investigations and work. An asbestos survey has also been completed recently and removal work undertaken where appropriate.
The site office, alongside welfare and storage facilities, have now been installed by Neilcott in the former Brewers Fayre unit. These facilities will remain in place for the duration of the construction work. A fully operational CCTV system is now in place to monitor the site.
The site boundary facing Place Saint Maur has had timber hoarding installed, whilst the remaining site boundaries have had secure metal fencing put in place. The part of Place Saint Maur that sits within the site boundary (including the water jets) will be protected for the duration of the project and reinstated upon completion.
Temporary traffic lights will be set up and implemented on Belmont Street from week commencing 13 January to manage traffic through the initial phase of the construction works.
Please see below the latest images of the ongoing construction works.
November 2024
Neilcott Construction to Lead Rejuvenation of Alexandra Theatre in Bognor Regis
Following the appointment of Neilcott Construction as the principal contractor for the redevelopment of the Alexandra Theatre, significant progress has been made towards regenerating the wider Regis Quarter. Neilcott Construction, in close collaboration with the Arun DC regeneration team, is currently finalising detailed design plans aimed at enhancing the theatre's facilities and infrastructure. Neilcott Construction are already on site at the theatre and pre commencement works have begun.
Plans for the Theatre and the wider Regis Quarter (comprising the potential future regeneration of the former Brewers Fayre building and wider Regis Centre car park) will bring new investment and footfall into the town for the benefit of local residents and businesses.
A key focus of the current phase is the planning of the construction timeline to minimise disruption to the Regis Centre car park and Place St Maur. This careful approach underscores Neilcott Construction’s commitment to ensuring a smooth transition throughout the project.
Arun District Council is poised to unveil further specifics regarding the construction schedule in the forthcoming weeks, with work on site beginning in due course. With an eye towards completing the renovation expeditiously, the anticipated reopening of the Alexandra Theatre is scheduled for mid 2026.
Furthermore, Following a meeting on the evening of the 6 November 2024, Arun District Councillors have voted to allocate further funds to support the delivery of the Alexandra Theatre project in Bognor Regis, on the recommendation of the Policy and Finance Committee on the 24 October 2024.
The committee’s accepted recommendations include an additional £3 million to be added to the project budget, comprising of £1 million confirmed spend and the remainder as a contingency fund.
To date £12.19 million from central government and £3million from the capital programme has been in the pot to fund the project. However, inflationary cost pressures in the construction industry have continued to rise, which has resulted in an industry-wide cost increase in delivering projects, as well as several long-established contractors ceasing to trade. As a result, this has impacted on market conditions and this work programme.
August 2024
With Neilcott Construction as the main contractor for the next stage of the Alexandra Theatre rejuvenation, progress is being made.
Neilcott is currently finalising detailed design work together with the Arun Distrct Council regeneration team. Special attention is being given to planning the construction programme and minimising disruption to the Regis Centre car park and Place St Maur. The council will share more information about the construction schedule in the coming weeks, ahead of work starting in early autumn 2024.
June 2024
Swift progress continues following the appointment of Neilcott Construction as the main contractor for the next stage in rejuvenating Alexandra Theatre.
Neilcott is currently finalising detailed design work in collaboration with the Arun District Council Regeneration Team. Special attention is being given to planning the construction programme and minimising disruption to the Regis Centre car park and Place St Maur.
The council will release further details of the construction schedule in the upcoming weeks before work begins in late summer/early autumn 2024. The anticipated reopening of the theatre is set for the end of 2025/early 2026.
May 2024 - Appointment of Building Contractor to progress Theatre Rejuvenation
May 2024
Arun District Council is pleased to confirm that a main contractor has been appointed to progress the detailed design for the rejuvenated Alexandra Theatre in the Regis Centre, Bognor Regis, with construction work expected to start later in 2024.
In the meantime, our regeneration team is working on the information to discharge a range of planning conditions that were put in place when planning permission was granted in February 2024. This includes providing additional information on how construction will be managed (working with the appointed contractor) and additional surveys needed on the current building to ensure it is ready for construction.
The council will keep the community informed of progress before construction work starts and throughout the construction period. This will include information on how the construction will be managed and any potential interface with Place Saint Maur and Regis Centre car park.
March 2024
We are pleased that we are now in a position where we can start sharing regular updates on the Alexandra Theatre project.
Planning permission for the rejuvenation of the theatre was formally issued in February 2024 and preparation work for the start of construction continues at pace.
Site investigation and survey work is taking place both within and outside The Regis Centre and our Regeneration Team is now finalising the appointment of the main building contractor following tender returns and evaluation. Construction work is due to start in late spring 2024.
Arun Arts have successfully completed their relocation into temporary performance and administration space for the duration of the construction period.
We hope that these updates have been helpful. If you have any questions on the project or this update, please contact us directly at 0800 080 3178 or email us at regisrejuvenation@devcomms.co.uk.
September 2023
We are delighted to announce that the Arun District Council Planning Committee have resolved to approve the planning application on 6th September 2023, granting officers delegated authority to conclude matters.
We would like to thank those who have showed their support for the proposals.
Our media release on the approved planning application can be found below:
July 2023
We are pleased that a planning application has now been submitted to Arun District Council for the rejuvenation of the theatre. The application has been validated and can be found under reference number BR/142/23/PL.
June 2023
We are hosting a second community event on Friday 16th June, where we will be providing an update on our final proposals for Alexandra Theatre. We would like to share the finalised plans and designs with the local community.
Our details of the information event can be found at the leaflet available to download below alongside the exhibition display from the day:
April 2023
Feedback from our public consultation period in March shows that the vast majority of those engaged support the proposals to rejuvenate Alexandra Theatre – with 98% of respondents saying that they supported the rejuvenation of the site.
This follows the event on 17th March where over 300 members of the local community attended to find out more.
Our media release on the feedback received can be found below:
March 2023
On Friday 17th March 2023, we hosted a community conversation event on the vision for the new Alexandra Theatre. At the event, we invited local stakeholders and residents to come and speak with us to find out more information on the proposals and ask any questions.
Details of the information event can be found at the leaflet available to download below and the exhibition display from the day.