A vacant site on Railway Street
The proposed site is situated along Railway Street and is currently vacant. Our proposals seek to redevelop this vacant site with retirement living apartments which will provide a beneficial use, meeting the local need for older living accommodation and will enhance the local character of the area.
The site was intended as an 86-bedroom hotel. It therefore has consent for a four-storey hotel with the ground floor comprising a restaurant and hotel lobby, with one retail unit.
Previous planning proposals for the site, which despite benefitting from planning permission, have not been brought forward. Churchill Retirement Living’s proposals by contrast are deliverable and, subject to planning permission aim to provide a much needed retirement living facility.
The site is located in an extremely accessible location with public transport links close by. This includes Herford East Train Station which is 0.2 miles away from the proposed site, and a bus and coach station are situated immediately next to the site.
The existing site presently does not reflect the character and appearance of the area and its redevelopment for an attractive, high-quality retirement living development will bring this site back into beneficial and attractive use.
Interactive Map showing the location of the site