
Investing in Colchester


Sainsbury's is planning to rejuvenate Lightship Way site in Colchester, creating 100 jobs

The proposals comprise a new Argos Local Fulfilment Centre, gym and a third retail unit, and would ensure that the site remains in active use now that the majority of it has been vacated. 

As many local people are aware, we currently have planning permission for a new supermarket on this site, but a lot has changed since the planning permission was originally granted in 2016. Customer shopping habits and the food retail market have changed significantly. 

In light of these changes, we have reviewed our plans for Colchester and have concluded that it is no longer viable for us to deliver a new Sainsbury’s store at Lightship Way. 

We are however committed to investing in the site and providing the best possible facilities for local people. We are therefore bringing forward a carefully designed scheme, which we hope to begin building later this year. 

Our new plans would refresh the appearance of the existing building, whilst providing an exciting retail offer for local residents to enjoy. 

Within this website, you have access to a range of resources which provide information on the scheme, as well as an opportunity to get in touch with us. 

Click the links below to visit the relevant sections of the site: