This consultation is presented on behalf of Churchill Retirement Living and invites you to view and provide feedback on our initial proposals to redevelop the land adjacent to Belle Vue House at the intersection of Newton Road and Cornard Road in Sudbury.
Following open marketing of the site, Churchill Retirement Living were chosen by Babergh District Council to redevelop the site, subject to planning permission.
Churchill Retirement Living’s vision for the site is to deliver a development that meets our customer’s needs and the local need for retirement apartments whilst also contributing to the character of Newton Road, Sudbury and making a positive contribution locally in terms of social, economic and environmental benefits.
On the land adjacent to Belle Vue House, Churchill Retirement Living is bringing forward proposals to provide a retirement living development comprising retirement flats, including communal facilities, access, car parking and landscaping.
The vacant and adjacent Belle Vue House building would also be included in the proposals and would be converted into two attractive dwelling houses, enabling this important building to be put back into beneficial use and ensuring its future. Subject to planning permission being granted, the conversion of Belle Vue House will be undertaken by a local developer experienced in the conversion and renovation of historic buildings.
A single planning application will be submitted for both Churchill’s proposed scheme for the land adjacent to Belle Vue House and the conversion of Belle Vue House to ensure a cohesive development.
The sale of the site would enable the Council to bring forward and fund exciting plans for a new open and welcoming pedestrian entrance to Belle Vue park.
The proposal will have a significant positive impact on local shops, leisure outlets and services in the local area. Given the site is in an accessible and central location, just a short walk to shops and services to the south west of the site on Kings Road, residents of the proposed retirement community will shop locally and on a frequent basis.
This website provides a wide range of information regarding the site and, our plans, plus information about Churchill Retirement Living’s retirement communities. You can review this information using the tabs on this website and by looking at our virtual exhibition.

Your views
We would value your feedback on the proposed development and you can provide your views via our feedback page.
A public exhibition will also be held at Sudbury Town Hall in the Assembly Rooms on Friday 15th October from 10 am to 3pm where members of our team will be available to help answer questions and discuss the plans.
Your comments will be used to help positively evolve the proposals prior to a planning application being submitted to the Local Planning Authority. How your comments have been considered will be detailed in a Statement of Community Engagement that will support the future planning application for the site.