Planning background and context
Our Wolsey Park site was originally allocated for new homes in the Council's adopted Development Plan.
The Wolsey Park site forms part of a wider allocation for a minimum of 772 homes to be provided to the west of Rayleigh. This includes:
- A minimum of 550 homes on a collection of sites within the SER1 allocation, and;
- 222 homes on the Rawreth Industrial Estate under allocation BFR4.
Wolsey Park is the largest of these sites. It therefore plays an important role in delivering these new homes and associated facilities. The video below provides further information on the background and planning context.
Progress so far
Construction of Wolsey Park commenced in May 2019. The first new homes are expected to be completed and occupied in Autumn 2020 (originally this was envisaged in late spring before site works ceased due to Covid-19).
So far, 312 homes (made up of 192 homes in the north and 120 homes in the centre of the site) have been granted detailed permission, as shown on the plan below.
These homes are being built in tandem with the strategic infrastructure for the whole of Wolsey Park, including the central spine road, landscaping areas, drainage infrastructure and utility connections.
The programme for undertaking works to form the London Road access and utility connections has not yet been finalised with Essex County Council, but is expected in 2021.
We have also:
- Confirmed the precise boundaries of the Education site to Essex County Council.
- Formally offered the allotment land to Rawreth Parish Council and are in the process of drafting contracts for the transfer of the allotment land for £1.
- Progressed discussions with Arriva to extend bus services into the site.
For further information on Wolsey Park in general, you can visit our project website at