Countryside Homes

New outline planning application for Wolsey Park

This website provides an overview of a new outline planning application for Wolsey Park which would make more efficient use of the site, thereby providing the right mix of homes and addressing local housing need, whilst protecting green spaces on-site.

Delivering benefits for local people

Our plans would deliver a range of important benefits for both local people and the wider District. Our new application would positively respond to local housing needs and simultaneously make efficient use of Wolsey park. 

Furthermore, it would ensure that Wolsey Park remains a landscape-led development and an attractive place to live, with nearly half the site remaining as open space. If approved, the new outline planning application offers the following key benefits:



1. Additional affordable housing

An extra 78 affordable homes, resulting in up to 253 across Wolsey Park meaning that the Council’s current waiting list could be reduced by a third.


2. The right type of affordable homes

The revised density plan enables us to provide 1 and 2-bed affordable homes to reflect the current waiting list which is not achievable with the approved density plan. 


3. Respond to local housing needs

Our new plans would deliver a balanced mix of homes to address local demand, including smaller homes suitable for first-time buyers alongside larger family houses (which is not possible with the current density restrictions).


4. More efficient use of Wolsey Park

The plans would make more efficient use of land in accordance with national planning policy, helping to address local housing need on a site that is already being developed and retaining nearly half the site as open space. 


5. Additional non-residential use site

Extra land to provide local services for residents of Wolsey Park and the surrounding local community. 


6. Additional financial contributions

Including additional contributions towards education, health and sports provision locally.