Local charities Talbot Village Trust and Nuffield Health (the applicants) are pleased to advise that a planning application has now been jointly submitted by the applicants to Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole Council (BCP).
The formal planning application documents are now available online at the Council's Planning Portal, which can be visited by clicking here.
The key elements of the planning application are summarised in the Executive Summary document which can be downloaded below.
The proposed site is currently unviable marginal grazing land at Highmoor Farm which, following extensive statutory public consultation, is formally allocated for development in the Poole Local Plan 2018 at Policy PP21 and the adopted Supplementary Policy Document for Talbot Village (2015).
The submitted planning application has evolved through recent comprehensive stakeholder and community engagement and is submitted as a hybrid application which seeks planning consent in three parts:
- Full planning for a new Nuffield Health Hospital – in recognition of the urgency to provide greater healthcare in BCP, full planning permission is sought for the proposed Nuffield Hospital ensuring it can be delivered in the short term. This will include matters such as the detailed design of the building, window locations, building materials, access, servicing and parking arrangements.
- Outline planning for the Innovation Quarter – Outline planning permission is sought for the wider Innovation Quarter, meaning it will deal with matters of principle such as the proposed uses, the scale and height of buildings, an indicative layout and access to the site. The buildings shown within the Innovation Quarter, other than the Hospital, are therefore indicative and their detailed design will be shaped by future detailed planning applications, called reserved matters applications.
- Heathland Support Area - Change of use of 30 acres (12 hectares) of land at Highmoor Farm to a Heathland Support Area in accordance with the requirements of Local Plan Policy PP21 (TV3). Incorporating the HSA within this comprehensive application demonstrates a cohesive approach to development in the vicinity and enables the Council to consider the HSA in conjunction with the wider development proposals.
This website provides further information on the planning application.
During the comprehensive public consultation undertaken from July to September 2022, a project website was available which can still be viewed online by clicking the link below.
What the applicants say
"The Innovation Quarter is a once in a generation opportunity to create a positive transformational impact for BCP and the region. The aim is to support the two Universities and provide improved prospects for young people and families to live, work and contribute to the BCP area. The proposals, developed in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, are aligned with BCP Council and Dorset LEP’s economic strategy.
"The proposed new Nuffield Hospital complements the vision of excellence, innovation and collaboration with University research and provides a huge boost in local healthcare provision at a time of national emergency. As a charity, Nuffield Health shares our drive to deliver purposeful work that supports the local community.
"Crucially, we are committed to do this whilst enabling people to live well, enhancing the environment, achieving biodiversity net gain, and ensuring that the Talbot Heath is fully protected for future generations."
Nick Ashley-Cooper - Chairman, Talbot Village Trust
“All of us at Nuffield Health are excited to and be part of an opportunity that supports and shares the ambitions of so many industry and sector leaders in the conurbation, and which puts the protection of the environment at the centre of the plans.
"Having sought a site for a new hospital in Bournemouth for over eight years, I am buoyed by the prospect this application presents for increased healthcare capacity and resource, additional facilities for my team and patients as well as a space for innovation, community and opportunity that will greatly enhance local wellbeing and livelihoods across Dorset.”
David McNair - Hospital Director, Nuffield Health Bournemouth