Land South East of Barkby Road, Syston
Welcome to the dedicated project website for Land South East of Barkby Road, Syston.
Here, we will post updates on the project at key intervals and you will be able to view key project documents as they are prepared. You will also find details on how to contact our project team.
Site HA1 – South East of Barkby Road, Syston, is an emerging allocation in the Draft Charnwood Local Plan, which proposes to deliver around 960 new homes, alongside a new primary school and supporting infrastructure.
Plans showing location of site HA1
You can view the Draft Charnwood Local Plan by clicking below:
Taylor Wimpey is currently working with Charnwood Borough Council to prepare a Masterplan Framework Document (MFD), which is a strategic framework document that establishes a vision for the site and a set of development objectives to underpin future development.
The MFD is not a planning application but will be used to guide and inform future planning applications that may be submitted.
A series of engagement exercises were held recently, which gave local stakeholders and residents immediately surrounding the site a chance to air their views and discuss how this document should come forward. The first of these events was a stakeholder engagement day on Friday 7th October 2022, which was attended by local political and community representatives. This was followed by two online events for local residents on Thursday 13th October 2022.
Once the finer details of the MFD document have been agreed, further engagement and consultation exercises will take place before an outline planning application is submitted to Charnwood Borough Council. Any future planning applications will also be subject to full public consultation, hosted by the Council, offering a number of opportunities for the local community to get involved and provide their feedback.
If you have any questions on the stakeholder events that have taken place, or would like to register your interest to receive updates on this project, you can get in touch with us by contacting DevComms, our community representatives, at: syston@devcomms.co.uk or calling freephone on 0800 080 3268.