This consultation is presented on behalf of Churchill Retirement Living and invites you to view and provide feedback on our initial proposals for the redevelopment of the Jewsons Builders Merchant site at Lower Fore Street, Exmouth.
Churchill Retirement Living’s vision for the site is to deliver a Retirement Living development that meets our customer’s needs and the local need for retirement apartments. Whilst contributing positively to the character and appearance of Exmouth through the attractive re-development of the site.
The proposed development will make a significant contribution locally in terms of social, economic and environmental benefits. The proposed redevelopment of the site will greatly improve the attractiveness of this area providing a development more in-keeping with the residential uses in the surrounding area.
This website provides a wide range of information regarding the site and, our plans, plus information about Churchill Retirement Living’s retirement communities. You can review this information using the tabs on this website and by looking at our virtual exhibition.

Your views
We value your feedback on our proposed development so please provide your views via our feedback page.
Your comments will be used to help evolve the proposals prior to a planning application being submitted to the Local Planning Authority. How your comments have been considered will be detailed in a Statement of Community Involvement that will support the future planning application for the site.
Please don’t hold off in expressing any support for the proposals, as this will assist in the determination of the planning application.
Proposed views along Fore Street and Lower Fore Street