Providing much needed affordable homes in Christchurch.
Specialist retirement living apartments, which help free up properties for younger buyers for generations to come.
Regeneration of a brownfield Town Centre site to reduce pressure on the need to develop on the Green Belt.
A multi-generational housing development to help Christchurch meet its housing goals.
The provision of a multi-generational community in this location would help to bolster the high street through increased localised spending to foster a healthy high street economy.
Landscaping proposals to improve the appearance and bio-diversity of the site.
Retirement Living apartments, which help to reduce the risk of health challenges, and contributes fiscal savings to the NHS, while increasing spending on the local High Street.
Easily accessible location, reducing the need for owners to use cars for transport.
Creation of a distinctive quarter, which draws inspiration from the character of Christchurch, but has its own character.
The proposed development would complement and be a catalyst for the future redevelopment elsewhere in Christchurch Town Centre.
The proposals would also help to repair the uncharacteristic gap in the Bridge Street street scene.