A self-contained village
Our vision seeks to deliver a much more self-contained and sustainable village.
Initial technical transport analysis has shown that by providing new and improved essential facilities here in Alderholt, there will be much less need for all residents to travel outside of Alderholt by car to work, to shop, see a doctor, go to school or attend a local club.
The scheme has been designed to provide high levels of pedestrian / cyclist connectivity, with multiple links into the existing village, enhancing existing routes and providing new connections. A re-routed Ringwood Road would provide a quieter and safer environment for residents living on Ringwood Road and safe access to facilities in the new village centre.
Existing and proposed facilities within walking distance
Transport Assessment
Dudsbury Homes undertook road capacity modelling in 2019 in liaison with Dorset Council. The Council has published a paper which includes our work and is available on the authority’s website. It concludes that the road network can accommodate up to 1700 new homes without any implications for the network in capacity terms.
Whilst the proposed development will obviously result in an increase in journeys, existing traffic levels are very low and consequently the highway network is underutilised. The current traffic generated from Alderholt does not head in or out in only one direction. Instead the traffic is spread across different routes to access other locations.
Analysis has been undertaken of trip generation and vehicle movements that the development will generate. The number of trips generated will be less than that generated by a purely residential scheme. This is because the provision of services and facilities will result in the need for fewer trips than would otherwise be made as people will be able to draw on the provision of new facilities and amenities within Alderholt.
Junction modelling has been undertaken that shows that the junctions in Alderholt, Fordingbridge and at the A31 would operate within capacity, once mitigation works to improve capacity are taken into account. Aside from the site access points, the highway works proposed are in central Fordingbridge and at the A31 junction.
Resolving pinch points
Analysis of the accident record shows that the majority are likely to be a result of driver error, rather than any identified deficiency in the road layout. However, during our public events it was clear that pinch points on roads to and from Alderholt were of concern. We have therefore reviewed the three key routes out of Alderholt (B3078 west to Cranborne, B3078 east to Fordingbridge and Harbridge Drove south towards A31) to determine whether widening is required for vehicles to pass, and if so the specific locations.
This work was originally based on Ordnance Survey mapping, but has since been updated based on a more accurate survey. Cross referencing this with mapping of the public highway boundary shows that widening of the carriageway is deliverable without the need for third party land, subject to review at detailed design stage.
The vehicle trips generated by the proposed development will predominantly generate cars. Some larger vehicles would be generated, for example as a result of the proposed bus route and employment space, however, the volume of these vehicles is not forecast to be high. The proposed widening would help vehicles to pass along the routes to and from Alderholt. As with any works on the public highway, the technical design would need to be approved at a later stage by the highway authority.
A31 improvements
Dudsbury Homes has undertaken detailed discussions with National Highways in relation to improvements to the junction of Verwood Road with the A31.
Even if the proposed development did not come forward, future queueing and delays at the junction would be substantial. The proposed development would increase this, and so a mitigation scheme has been designed, the principles of which have been agreed with National Highways and Dorset Council.
The scheme consists of the signalisation and widening of the eastbound off-slip, as well as signalisation of Verwood Road. This provides extra capacity for vehicles leaving the A31, and also affords the opportunity to provide improved pedestrian and cycle crossings to connect to the Castleman Trailway. Finally, the proposed design includes amendments to the entry to the A31 on slip, to address an existing safety issue.
The proposed highway scheme would operate within capacity, taking into account existing, future, and development traffic flows.
A bus service that works for residents
Our discussions with local people have highlighted the lack of sustainable transport options for people currently living in Alderholt.
We will therefore invest in a return bus service running to Fordingbridge and Ringwood, six days a week. The bus service is proposed as half hourly in peak periods and hourly otherwise.
This service has been agreed with a local provider and would be funded by Dudsbury Homes for the first seven years after which time it will be a viable service in its own right. The convenience of an hourly bus service to surrounding settlements will be hugely beneficial to every resident and child of Alderholt.
Masterplan Permeability Study
Vehicle Access
A new road will be provided which provides the spine to the new development linking Hillbury Road to the east with Ringwood Road to the west.
The junction from Hillbury Road will be a roundabout, which has been designed to be of suitable size for buses and cars. It will also act as a traffic calming feature to slow speeds along Hillbury Road as they vehicles enter the village and with the 30mph speed limit will be extended south to include this roundabout improve road safety, amenity and create more of a welcoming gateway feature on the approach to the village from the south.
Redefining Ringwood Road
The existing Ringwood Road to the south east of the new connection with the spine road will become a no-through road, with access to existing properties will be maintained.
Removing the through-route will significantly reduce vehicle movements on Ringwood Road and improve conditions for walking and cycling between the existing and new areas of Alderholt and towards key facilities such as the local entre and recreation ground.
Pedestrian connections in wider village