Quality Design
In accordance with the Government’s vision for building beautiful places, Dudsbury Homes has undertaken a detailed Vision Document to look at the spaces, places and character of successful settlements within the wider eastern Dorset area, including Cranborne, Edmondsham, Gussage All Saints, Horton and Wimborne St Giles.
Drawing on these great examples of local development the masterplan has evolved to ensure Alderholt Meadows is a beautifully crafted place where people choose to live; everyone can connect with the natural environment; and live in a sustainable way in an energy efficient home.
A copy of the Design Vision can be downloaded using the link below:
Alderholt Meadows - Design Vision
Alderholt Meadows will lead the way in creating places for people to live, for the natural environment to be enhanced, for people’s health and well-being to be front and centre of the design ethos and where the community will actively participate in the long term stewardship of public spaces.
Beautiful Homes
Homes in Alderholt Meadows will positively respond to a post-pandemic world and provide the facilities to meet the changing functions of our properties to enable a healthy work - life balance at home.
We also recognise that home ownership has moved out of financial reach for many and so we are committed to the delivery of 35% affordable homes provided as a range of tenures including the ‘first homes’ concept, socially rented and shared ownership properties.
Dudsbury Homes has therefore appointed Scott Worsfold Architects to take a bespoke approach to designing a range of new homes and buildings for essential everyday facilities especially for Alderholt Meadows.
The Masterplan for the site proposes up to 1,700 new homes, with up to 35% affordable homes (in the region of 595) provided as a range of tenures including the ‘first homes’ concept, socially rented and shared ownership properties.
A wide range of family homes will be provided - These include two and three-bed family homes. The details would be subject to future planning applications once the principle of development has been established.
A new care home providing age-appropriate and neighbourly homes for older people and ensuring an intergenerational development.
Enhancing Biodiversity
Comprehensive ecology surveys have been carried out across the site to identify features of nature conservation importance.
Survey’s have shown that most of the site is currently in agricultural use and has little current ecological value, except for the existing hedgerows, trees and foraging grounds for bats.
In line with the Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management’s (CIEEM) Ecological Impact Assessment and Mitigation Hierarchy Framework, the Masterplan seeks to retain and protect the limited existing onsite habitats, including woodland, hedgerows and existing water features.
Retained, enhanced and newly created habitats will provide a haven for a multitude of faunal species, including birds, bats, amphibians, reptiles, small mammals such as hedgehogs, and invertebrates, and a sensitive lighting strategy will ensure the maintenance of dark corridors for nocturnal wildlife.
Large areas of Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) will be created to provide an alternative recreational destination to the nearby Dorset Heathlands, and these areas will incorporate diverse wildlife habitats including wildflower grassland, wetland and woodland.
Existing waterbodies will be retained and enhanced within areas of public open space, including SANG, and new ponds will be created to provide surface water drainage and wildlife habitats.
Ecological enhancements will also be incorporated within the built realm, including new gardens and hedgerows, integral wildlife boxes, green/brown roofs on suitable structures and wildlife permeable fencing.
All new and existing habitats and wildlife features will be subject to long-term nature conservation management to ensure significant net gains in biodiversity.
Sustainable Development
Dudsbury Homes is considering a range of sustainable development initiatives such as;
- All homes constructed to future homes standard energy efficiency requirements, including consideration of passive house design options.
- No gas boilers in the new homes, with alternative electric and low carbon renewable energy options used to provide space heating and hot water.
- Increasing local renewable energy provision.
- Measures to ensure resilience to climate change, including reduced water consumption; minimising flood risk, overheating risk and risk to habitats through enhanced biodiversity.
- Electric vehicle charging to reflect Local Plan requirements
Estate Management
Dudsbury Homes is committed to the long-term stewardship and management Alderholt Meadows to ensure the high-quality design and management of common areas.
The SANG and public open space will be retained by Dudsbury Homes or an appointed estate management company who will be responsible for their operation and maintenance in perpetuity. The management may also extend to some of the roads, drainage, parks, parking strategy and public realm as part of a wider estate management provision.
An estate office will be located in the community hub to manage the common infrastructure and act as a hub for community liaison, event management and to coordinate the phased build out of the infrastructure and new homes across the estate.