Dudsbury Homes

Investing in Village Life for All

Providing for the Existing Community

To make Alderholt a sustainable settlement it is imperative that infrastructure to support the future population of Alderholt is provided. Dudsbury Homes is committed to a scale of development which will enable the development to fund the provision of meaningful infrastructure delivery alongside new housing, which will not only meet the needs of new residents, but also provides much needed services and facilities for existing Alderholt residents.

Dudsbury Homes is committed to delivering a £70 Million investment, providing:

  • Up to 35% affordable housing across a range of tenures, including shared ownership, affordable rent and First Homes

  • Age-appropriate housing, including a new care home adjacent to the new Village Centre

  • Undertaking an Educational Review exploring either; significant expansion of the existing St. James First School; or, establishing a direct  connection to The Burgate School, effectively eliminating the need for the current 1-hour bus rides.

  • A new Medical Centre to be delivered in partnership with a local practitioner.
  • Over 53 hectares of Suitable Accessible Natural Greenspace (SANG).
  • Over 11 hectares of further Parks and green corridors, including an additional 5 hectare (12 acre) extension to the recreation ground and 1.5 hectares of allotments. 

  • A new Monday-Saturday hourly bus service (half-hourly in peak periods) travelling from Cranborne-Alderholt-Fordingbridge-Ringwood, funded for the first 7 years
  • Full fibre connection for the entire development

  • Solar arrays providing locally sourced renewable energy

  • A commitment to a low carbon energy strategy for the development

  • A31 junction improvement

  • Over 7 miles of new cycle routes and footpath connections

  • Highway improvements beyond the development boundary (see Connectivity page)

  • Proactive management of public spaces through on-site estate management creating an economic footprint for the development and the wider Alderholt Area

The final specification and timing of new infrastructure to be delivered as part of the Alderholt Meadows development will be agreed through the planning process with Dorset Council and secured through a legal agreement, called a Section 106 agreement, which will legally link the provision of new housing to the delivery of infrastructure at specific trigger points.


We have held discussions with local education providers and listened to views from the community and we are committed to invest in the best possible education for children in Alderholt.

After exploring options for a new school as part of the development proposals, we understand that St James’ School wishes to instead invest in its current site. To do this in a meaningful way the school needs to ensure there is a viable future supply of pupils. The proposed Alderholt Meadows development will provide this security and Dudsbury Homes will be legally committed to facilitate and fully fund all expansion requirements.

Medical Services

Many people commented that a new Doctor’s surgery would require a population of circa 20,000 people. Having engaged with local practitioners this is not correct and from a development and funding perspective, there is no barrier to the provision of a centre that caters for GPs and other complementary services as part of Alderholt Meadows.

At the present time, most of Alderholt residents currently travel to The Fordingbridge GP practice for GP services. Discussions have therefore been on-going with The Fordingbridge GP practice who have confirmed that should the population of Alderholt grow significantly, they would be a willing partner to take up a dedicated health centre in Alderholt as an extension to their existing operations, providing a range of clinical and complementary services here in Alderholt.

A new Doctor’s Surgery in Alderholt would not only be a hub for GP services, but also provide space for other practitioners such as physiotherapists to deliver a health facility where residents need them. A dental practice and pharmacy have also committed to providing services in Alderholt

A Vibrant Village Centre