We understand that residents will have questions regarding our proposals and planning application, and we hope to have addressed these below. If you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us using the details here.
Q1. Why here?
This site is located within the A46 Priority Growth Corridor and adjacent to the large village of Whetstone, making it a demonstrably suitable location for growth. Additionally, the site benefits from excellent access to the Strategic Road Network.
Q2. How many houses will be built?
We expect to deliver approximately 125 homes, which will include affordable housing and public open space. Our aim is to provide a balanced mix of housing types, sizes, and ownerships.
Q3. When will you submit your application?
We expect to submit our full planning application to Blaby District Council by December 2024.
Q4. How will traffic be dealt with?
Alongside our planning application, we will submit detailed designs which address our access and highway solutions. Residents will have the opportunity to provide further feedback while the council reviews the application.
The scheme will create a well-connected layout of streets and roads to ensure the efficient movement of vehicles, pedestrians, and cyclists. Residential access is proposed from Springwell Lane along the northeastern boundary. Construction traffic will access the site from the south, off Countesthorpe Road, to minimise any local disruption to the existing residential area off Springwell Lane.
A Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) will be submitted alongside our planning application, which addresses the measures we will put in place to mitigate any impacts on existing residents.
Q5. How will drainage and flood risks be managed?
We are aware of recent flooding events and are taking these into account through extensive modelling of flood risk and drainage. We are designing drainage solutions - such as Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS), including ponds - which will mitigate any impact arising from the development by facilitating natural drainage and water collection. New regulations require that developments ensure water runoff rates do not exceed those typical of the site's previous agricultural use; Our intention is to go beyond the requirements of regulation and provide reductions in flood risk to the wider area.
Q6. How much green/open space will be provided?
A central focus of the scheme is to deliver open green space to meet the needs of residents.
The majority of open space will be created to the west of the site, featuring open grassland with retained hedgerows and landscaping, as well as a children's play area. This space will be interconnected with the rest of the development via footpaths.
We will also deliver in excess of 10% biodiversity net-gain, exceeding policy requirements and boosting local wildlife and habitats on site.