Green Spaces and Biodiversity
The previous 2020 masterplan illustrated provision of:
- 29.96 ha of POS including childrens play and Country Park
- 0.38 ha of Allotments,
- 1.95ha of formal sports provision
This consultation masterplan provides for:
- 30.0Ha of POS including SUDS and Country Park
- 0.75Ha of allotments and community orchard
- 2.6Ha of formal sports and equipped play areas
Fig.14. Green infrastructure prepared for consultation in 2020
Fig.15. Proposed green infrastructure
The Country Park
The southern parcel of Area B will be delivered as a new Country Park. Detailed plans are being developed in conjunction with ecologists and other specialists - more detail will be available at a future consultation event.
Detailed ecological surveys of the site have been undertaken throughout 2024 and provide a thorough ecological baseline for the site. This ecological baseline has been used to inform the development principles, and ensure that ecological avoidance, mitigation and enhancement measures can be integrated into the proposals.
Key ecological measures include:
- A landscape strategy which will provide a net gain in ecologically valuable habitats such as wildflower meadow, native woodland, trees and scrub, and native species-rich hedgerows, to complement and enhance the existing habitats within the site.
- The development will seek to deliver a minimum 10% ‘Biodiversity Net Gain’ on site, calculated using Defra’s Statutory Metric.
- A sensitive scheme layout and design which retains, protects and buffers key features of ecological value including woodland and hedgerows and maintains habitat connectivity for bats, dormice and other wildlife.
- A sensitive lighting strategy to maintain functionality of habitat for roosting, foraging and commuting bats.
- Habitat provision suitable for a range of species including invertebrates, nesting and foraging birds, reptiles, amphibians, dormice, bats and badgers.
‘Biodiversity Net Gain’
This is a process of increasing the overall biodiversity of a development site in a measurable way. In February 2024, it became mandatory under the Environment Act 2021 for all developments to deliver a minimum 10% increase in the biodiversity value of a development area, calculated via the ‘Statutory Metric’ which allows biodiversity value to be measured in standardised units.