Our Proposals
The proposal is for the erection of retirement living accommodation; comprising one and two bed apartments and six separate cottages with associated communal areas, parking and landscaping.
The existing two storey sales and office building would be demolished as part of the proposals and it is important to note that the homes to the rear of the Roundstone Caravan site, and access to them, would be retained.
Further information regarding our exciting proposals for this important site in Southwater is available in the interactive virtual exhibition below. You can find out more by navigating around the exhibition room and clicking on the display boards and items on the table.
Additional information, including before and after slider plans, is also provided below the virtual exhibition. You can slide left and right to see before and after images.
Indicative elevations showing the site from Worthing Road and site access road
Before and After slider showing existing and proposed site plan
Please slide left and right to see before and after site plans

Indicative views into site from Worthing Road
You can download a copy of the exhibition boards and other materials using the buttons below: