Great Barford

Public Consultation

The Millfield End team are delighted to welcome you to our public consultation on our forthcoming Outline Planning Application (OPA) for Millfield End (formerly Great Barford West).

As you will be aware, The Great Barford Neighbourhood Plan allocated 500 new dwellings to the west of the village under Policy H1- Great Barford West. We spoke to you last year and asked for your comments on our Development Brief and Design Code, that was endorsed by Great Barford Parish Council on 18th July 2023. 

Since then, we have been working closely with Bedford Borough Council through our Planning Performance Agreement to prepare the details for an Outline Planning Application with all matters reserved (appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) except for the primary forms access. As we work towards the Outline Planning Application, we are keen to hear your views on our proposals for a well-designed, distinctive and integrated new neighbourhood for the whole community of Great Barford to enjoy.

We have provided here some information on specific parts of our planning application, which we hope are useful to you. 

The consultation period has now closed. We are in the process of reviewing all comments received, and we will update the local community in due course on feedback received and changes to the scheme. If you would like to register for updates on the scheme, please register here. If you would like to contact us directly, please view the contact us page.