Ox Place

Land at Meadow Lane, Iffley


What was the purpose of the first consultation?

We recognise that development of this allocated site is sensitive, the first consultation was designed to seek your views on our early plans and for us to understand your initial thoughts.

We are pleased with the number of responses we received, which have allowed us to gain an understanding of your concerns and how and where we can look to mitigate these going forward.

Through the initial consultation, we also wanted to make clear to the public that our plans have been informed by a number of surveys to ensure we deliver an appropriate development for the site and Iffley.

What types of housing are being proposed?

All 32 homes will be affordable homes, ranging from 1 bedroom maisonettes to much needed 4/5 bedroom family homes,, which will positively contribute to the current housing need in Oxford. Given the site’s context, the proposed housing will be sensitively designed to complement the existing village vernacular and Iffley Conservation Area.

How will the proposals look to enhance biodiversity?

The scheme aims to enhance habitats where possible across both the main development site and on Memorial Field, through a comprehensive landscaping strategy as set out in our planning application.

Hedgerows and trees will be retained and enhanced where possible, alongside extensive tree planting. Furthermore, bat roosting habitats will be installed on new buildings and on trees. Enhancements to habitats within Memorial Field will maintain high quality foraging and shelter habitat for a range of species, notably invertebrates, reptiles and amphibians, bats, birds and hedgehog.

Where required, protected species will be sensitively translocated in accordance with best practice and legislation.

How will you manage drainage on the site?

A comprehensive Flood Risk Assessment will be submitted with the planning application. This sets out our strategy to sustainably manage drainage on the site without any impacts on wider areas.

The strategy takes account of climate change to future proof the scheme, and will ensure that water infiltration is the same after development as the existing situation.

How will the proposals be integrated into the current road network?

As part of our plans, we propose to make improvements to the existing road network to help create a safer traffic flow along Meadow Lane. A safe access route will also be created from the site onto Meadow Lane for both vehicles and pedestrians, as well as a link from Meadow Lane to Church Way to promote pedestrian and cycling permeability.

A further access point will also be in place via Church Way, but this will only be for the two dwellings that are located on the eastern edge of the site. This low-key access will be suitably designed to blend in with the existing dwellings along Church Way.

How will the development contribute to the local community?

We are committed to delivering the best possible scheme for this allocated site. Our proposals will positively contribute to Iffley by creating greater transport links from Meadow Lane through to Church Way as well as further community contributions through the S106 and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), that could be used to help fund local infrastructure projects.

How will the design of the proposed homes reflect the local vernacular?

Following an in depth-study that has been undertaken by the architects, the appearance of the proposed dwellings have been designed to be in keeping with the character of Iffley Village. We have also worked with our heritage consultant to ensure our scheme has drawn on influences from both the surrounding dwellings and the Conservation Area to make sure the development is appropriate for the surrounding area and Iffley.

How will you protect and enhance wildlife habitats on-site?

Artificial bat roosting habitats will be installed on new buildings and on retained trees. The bat boxes will significantly increase the availability of bat roosting opportunities in the long term, within the site for various species. There will be enhancements to habitats within the Memorial Field as high quality foraging and shelter for a range of species.

How will you manage Memorial Field if it’s made publicly accessible?

Memorial Field would likely be managed by either a management company or transferred to the Council, a local trust or the Parish. Dependent on the end use, OX Place will ensure the most appropriate management strategy is in place.

How will the proposals be integrated into the local pedestrian and cycle network?

As part of our plans for this site, we propose to improve the local pedestrian and cycle network to encourage sustainable travel.

We are not proposing any changes to the existing cycle route, with the site being designed to allow the safe movement of both cyclists and pedestrians through from Meadow Lane to Church Way, which will provide an alternative route to the existing Meadow Lane link.

How will the development be environmentally friendly?

A range of measures will ensure the development is highly sustainable, with a ‘fabric first’ approach to target high thermal performance. This will see a 55% improvement over building regulations for carbon reductions.

What are your next steps?

We are now submitting a planning application to Oxford City Council. Once this is validated the City Council will undertake its own public consultation, which provides a further opportunity for the local community to provide feedback. OX Place will be looking to work constructively with the City Council to respond to feedback on the application. We would hope that the City Council will be able to make a decision on the application in early 2023. If the application is approved, we would hope to be in a position to start delivering high quality, affordable homes at Meadow Lane at some point in late 2023.
