Frequently Asked Questions
Please find answers to some of the most frequently asked questions relating to this project below.
Who will be leading on the proposed substation?
The substation proposals will be led by UK Power Networks, who will be the applicant on subsequent planning applications.
UK Power Networks is the country’s biggest electricity distributor, making sure the lights stay on for more than eight million homes and businesses across London, the South East and the East of England.
The company invests more than £600 million in its electricity networks every year, offers extra help to vulnerable customers at times of need, and is undertaking trials to ensure that electricity networks support the transition to a low carbon future. It also moves cables and connects new electricity supplies.
What’s the difference between UK Power Networks and my electricity supplier?
UK Power Networks own and maintain electricity cables and lines across London, the South East and East of England. Your electricity supplier is the company you choose to buy your electricity from, and who you pay your bills to.
What role are Buckinghamshire Council playing in the substation proposal?
Buckinghamshire Council have commissioned UK Power Networks to develop a substation that will provide access to additional power capacity to the Stoke Mandeville area to meet growing demand. Buckinghamshire Council is investing funds secured from the Housing Infrastructure Fund to enable the development of the Substation Project.
What is the Housing Infrastructure Fund?
The Housing Infrastructure Fund is a government capital grant programme of up to £2.3 billion, which will help to deliver up to 100,000 new homes in England.
Why are the public sector paying for investment in power infrastructure?
UK Power Networks, the Distribution Network Operator for East of England, are regulated by OFGEM and not allowed to invest in infrastructure ahead of need. They can only respond to formal applications from developers. The solutions to boost power supply are at a costly level and cannot be met by individual developers. The successful Housing Infrastructure Fund bid means Buckinghamshire Council can oversee an investment in power supply to support existing and future residents and businesses.
How does a substation benefit me?
A new substation means that you will be assured of continued power quality and reliability as your area continues to grow and the demand for electricity increases as we shift to clean energy to charge electric vehicles, heat our homes and power our industry.
Why is the Aylesbury Substation project needed?
We need to build a new primary substation to respond to increased demand for electricity from residents and businesses.
In order to provide any significant capacity in the south Aylesbury area, we are currently required to carry out network reinforcement at the 132kV and 33kV voltage levels, in addition to this the voltage needs to be transformed down to 11kV at a Primary Substation in a suitable location from where the capacity can be distributed to where it is likely to be required.
UK Power Networks only seek to build new network infrastructure where existing infrastructure cannot be upgraded, or where forecasted increases in demand will not be feasibly achieved by other means.
This investment will maintain reliable electricity supplies for the residents, businesses and communities we serve across the area.
What increase in power supply will the Aylesbury Substation deliver?
The Aylesbury Substation project will boost power capacity by an additional 31 Megawatts.
What is an electricity substation?
An electricity substation is a collection of equipment, including transformers and switchgear and some buildings, which reduce the voltage of electrical power down to safer voltages that can be utilised by homes and businesses. In the case of the proposed Aylesbury Substation, it will transform electricity down from 33kV to 11kV which will then be distributed to homes and businesses.
Do substations make noise?
Substations are required to meet statutory regulations in how they operate, including noise levels. As part of the planning application a noise assessment is being carried out to record existing noise levels in the area and model the impact of the proposed development. We will use this information to carefully consider if any mitigation measures are required to ensure the low level of noise produced by a substation does not have a negative impact on neighbours.
Is living next to electrical equipment dangerous to my health?
We sometimes get asked questions about Electric Magnetic Fields and if there are any health concerns living next to electrical equipment. For the most detailed information, visit: www.emfs.info. You can also contact the EMF helpline on 0845 702 3270. An Electromagnetic Field Assessment will be carried out in relation to the development proposals, to ensure that the development is safe and complies with all government policies on Electromagnetic Fields.
Where will the substation be located?
We are continuing to assess sites within the Stoke Mandeville area to find a suitable location for the substation that balances social, economic, environmental and technical demands within Aylesbury.
A number of sites are being considered – and you can find more information on our site search on the ‘A Site Search’ page here.
How have you chosen the location of the proposed substation?
Our chosen site must be able to connect to the existing electricity network, be as close as possible to end users and be at least 0.14 hectares in size to accommodate the proposed development. We also consider:
- Topography of a site.
- Road access – the site requires a permanent vehicle access. We also need to consider site access for construction.
- Availability – in order for a site to be achievable it must be deliverable within the timeframe set out by the Housing Infrastructure Fund programme.
- Environmental constraints.
Is the former Buckinghamshire Sports and Social Club site still being considered for the proposals?
The former Buckinghamshire County Council Sports and Social Club (BSSC) site remains an option as part of our site search, however we continue to review alternative sites for the occasion that the former BSSC site is not available.
What will happen next?
UK Power Networks will keep local residents and stakeholders informed of our site-search progress via our ‘News’ tab on this website.
On selection of a suitable site, we will inform local residents and stakeholders of the new location and would be happy to arrange a meeting to discuss the proposals.
Subsequently, a planning application will be submitted to Buckinghamshire Council’s planning department who will assess the application based on national and local planning policy and material considerations.