Welcome to the project website for Aylesbury Substation.
Here you can find out about the substation and what it does, why it is needed in Aylesbury, news updates relating to the project and the current site search, alongside a useful FAQs page and contact details.
Aylesbury’s new 33kv/11kv Substation
UK Power Networks is bringing forward proposals for a new electrical substation in Stoke Mandeville. The new substation has been requested by the local authority to provide essential power infrastructure to Aylesbury, adding the required capacity to help local communities transition towards a low carbon economy and support future investment and growth in the area.
Who are UK Power Networks?
UK Power Networks owns and maintains the cables and lines to distribute electricity across London, the South East and East of England. We are proud to make sure the power flows to homes and businesses, and to help enable the UK’s transition to a low carbon future.
Who are our partners on this project?
UK Power Networks is working with Buckinghamshire Council to bring forward and operate this substation to respond to increased demand for electricity within Aylesbury. The council has secured funding for the project using the Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund, a central government funding programme.