Vistry Group

North Weald Bassett - Masterplan Consultation

Planning Application

Vistry Group will shortly be submitting a planning application for part of the development site within the masterplan area, which provides the majority of the physical and social infrastructure. The planning application is for up to 780 dwellings and uses including social infrastructure and open space. 

The majority of the planning application is being submitted in outline which means that most of the details will be submitted and agreed through subsequent Reserved Matters Applications. However, this application seeks detailed planning permission for the primary means of vehicular access, the primary road through the site; provision of the large parkland area; and surface water attenuation. 

This planning application is entirely consistent with the draft Strategic Masterplan Framework document and it is not expected that the planning application will be determined until the final masterplan has been endorsed by the District Council. 

Subject to the approval of the hybrid planning application, further details about the proposals will be confirmed through any future planning applications coming forward. On receipt of the planning application, Epping Forest District Council will undertake statutory consultation as part of the process of determining the application.

Redline plan showing application area