The Vision
To create a landscape-led development which utilises existing landscape features; places an emphasis on social connectivity and integration with the village; fosters a sense of community with the creation of neighbourhoods; and acknowledges the history of North Weald Bassett.
The key features of the draft strategic masterplan include:
- A minimum of 1,050 new energy efficient homes, including social rented and shared ownership, that would be available to local people
- New community facilities and provision for healthcare facilities
- Improved access to St Andrew’s Primary School
- Commitment to additional education provision with early years facilities either through a new primary school or the expansion of St Andrew’s
- New and improved, fully equipped children’s play spaces
- Better sports facilities including an additional junior / mini pitch and improvements to the Memorial Playing Fields as the central sporting hub, making it more of a focal point in the village
- Public open space for recreation and biodiversity
- Additional planting throughout the masterplan area, including a new community orchard
- New retail units to complement existing shops and services in the village
- A new roundabout on the A414 providing direct access to the masterplan area, making access safer and convenient
Land Use Plan