Elm Grove Estate Regeneration
Elm Grove Estate Regeneration
1. What is the current position of the scheme?
In September 2024, Sutton Council resolved to grant planning permission for the principle of redevelopment of the Elm Grove Estate. This followed on from the Elm Grove residents ballot which took place in 2022.
Information submitted as part of the approved planning application can be found here: https://planningregister.sutton.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do?activeTab=dates&keyVal=SAEIWSKCJN900
The project team will now work to prepare a further set of details, which we will be able to share with the local community in due course.
2. What are the proposals?
The proposals for Elm Grove will deliver:
The new estate will also feature:
3. How will the proposals improve the Elm Grove estate for tenants?
Tenants will benefit from new, modern, high quality and more sustainable housing, providing an improvement in living standards for the residents of the Elm Grove Estate, and living accommodation that is more suitable for their needs. Of the 290 new flats and maisonettes the project will deliver, up to 50% will be affordable housing.
Tenants will also have access to new open spaces, communal courtyards, and kids’ play spaces all on-site.
4. How will the proposals improve the Elm Grove environment?
Elm Grove will be a vibrant, liveable and attractive neighbourhood for existing and future residents. The aim is to focus on creating a sustainable environment within town centre living.
Improving the character along the back of the high street at Elm Grove, the rejuvenation project will create a unique identity and add to the thriving high street by initiating public realm improvements.
The proposals will create attractive connections with different scales and character between the High Street and Throwley Way, and offer safestreets and public spaces with plenty of lighting and landscaping features that are attractive and can cater to the needs of different age groups.
5. How are the proposals for the Elm Grove estate being funded and delivered?
Sutton Council has been awarded a grant worth up to £26.6m from the Greater London Authority (GLA) to deliver the new properties at Elm Grove, which along with significant investment from the council’s chosen development partner Lovell Developments, will provide healthy funding base for the project to be completed to the highest standard.
6. When will tenants of Elm Grove vacate the properties?
Sutton Council is working closely with its’ tenants on the estate on when and how they will be rehomed, whilst the regeneration takes place. Aside from the clearance of two bungalows at the start of the works, we are not anticipating any further site clearance until the second half of 2026.
7. When will the construction of the regenerated estate be completed?
It is expected that construction will begin in the second half of 2026, with the regeneration completed in the first half of 2030.
8. Where will tenants of Elm Grove live during the regeneration?
The proposals will require tenants of the Elm Grove Estate to move out of their properties while regeneration work takes place. Residents will be provided with alternative accommodation throughout this period that considers their respective requirements. Residents can expect to be kept up to date on the progress being made at Elm Grove and will be informed of any changes to project dates.
9. How does the presented scheme differ from the 2022 residents ballot?
The revised proposals do bear some similarities with the 2022 ballot scheme. The emerging revised proposals by Lovell will still include two straight east-west connections to the High Street, but with an overall increase in the number of homes compared with the initial proposals presented at the Ballot stage. As such, there will also be an increase in affordable homes.
10. Who are Lovell and how are they involved?
Lovell Partnerships are partnership housing and regeneration experts, specialising in working jointly with public sector partners to create places where local people want to live, and communities thrive. They are a leading provider of innovative residential construction and regeneration developments across England, Scotland and Wales, often working with local authorities and housing associations.
A subsidiary of the Morgan Sindall Group, Lovell has a formidable delivery capability, with 1,187 employees building new homes, assisted living accommodation, enhancing the public realm, acquiring and developing land, contracting and refurbishing homes.
Lovell have recently been selected by Sutton Council to deliver on the council’s decision to resolve to grant outline planning permission for the regeneration of the Elm Grove Estate in September 2024, following on from the resident ballot which took place in 2022.
11. How can I contact the project team?
To speak with the project team about the proposals, please contact us via email at elmgrove@devcomms.co.uk or call freephone at 0800 080 3261.
For more information on Lovell Partnerships, please visit their website at https://www.lovell.co.uk
12. How will my feedback be used to influence future plans?
All feedback received through consultation will be considered as we continue to prepare final detailed plans for the regeneration of the Elm Grove Estate, which will be submitted to Sutton Council later this year. Ahead of this, we will present our proposals to the wider community as part of a future public consultation event.