Swindon Services
Consultation Proposals
Consultation Proposals
1. What is a Motorway Rest Area (MRA)?
Motorway Rest Area (MRA) is a technical term used by the Department for Transport to describe a type of motorway service facility. An MRA is smaller than a conventional Motorway Service Area (MSA), requiring half as many spaces.
However, the facility will function exactly the same way as a conventional MSA, providing a full range of facilities for all motorists.
2. Is a new service facility needed here?
This facility is needed for two main reasons. Firstly, as our road networks transition away from petrol and diesel vehicles, we need to provide new EV infrastructure at strategic locations across the national road network to ensure owning an EV is practical and demand for charging can keep up with supply.
Furthermore, there is a critical local shortage of HGV parking spaces, with some sites nearby either very close to or at full capacity. A shortage of quality, secure HGV parking leads to parking in unsuitable locations such as lay-bys and industrial estates, causing problems for local residents and stress for drivers.
1. How many car parking spaces are proposed overall?
241 car parking spaces will be provided, in line with policy requirements for a Motorway Rest Area (50 of these spaces will be EV charging spaces from Day 1).
There will also be 7 caravan spaces, 12 motorcycle spaces, and 6 spaces for coaches.
2. How many EV charging spaces are proposed?
Swindon Services will deliver 50 new EV charging spaces from day 1, with the remaining car spaces on site EV-ready, allowing additional EV charging spaces to be brought forward in the future as demand and grid capacity grows.
3. Will there be spaces for motorists with disabilities, or parent and child spaces?
We will be providing both disabled spaces and parent and child spaces, in line with policy requirements.
4. Will there be a petrol/diesel fuel filling station for cars?
While Moto is committed to leading the national transition to electric vehicles, we are also fully aware many motorists will continue to need petrol and diesel fuel on the motorway network.
The proposals therefore include a conventional fuel filling station for cars, which will be smaller than those in operation currently to reflect the fact that when the site opens many more cars will be EV.
1. How many HGV parking spaces are proposed?
62 HGV spaces are proposed, which will help address the critical local shortage of adequate HGV parking spaces. There will also be a space for an abnormal load HGV, as required through policy.
2. Will there be an HGV fuel filling station?
An HGV fuel filling station is proposed to the north of the site, adjacent to the HGV parking spaces.
3. Are you providing facilities for alternative HGV fuels?
All HGV spaces will be designed to accommodate electric charging infrastructure in the future if this is required.
4. What facilities will be provided for HGV drivers?
While specific facilities will be determined at a later stage, facilities for HGV drivers will include high quality showers, toilets, and food provision.
1. Will the proposals affect traffic on the M4?
The new Motorway Rest Area (MRA) will primarily attract a proportion of existing passing traffic on the M4, instead of creating new trips as seen with other types of development. Therefore, there will be limited impact on traffic flows along the M4 itself.
There will be some increased vehicle movements on the M4 slip roads at Junction 16 associated with vehicles entering and leaving the site. National Highways, as the operator of the M4, will review the proposals to ensure there are no safety issues associated with this.
2. What will the impact of the proposals be on traffic at Junction 16?
There will be some increased traffic at Junction 16 associated with vehicles entering and leaving the site. A full Transport Assessment will be submitted with the planning application to assess this impact.
However, at this stage we are confident that there is sufficient capacity at Junction 16 to accommodate the development without causing any severe impacts.
3. How will you promote sustainable travel to the site?
We are keen to ensure that staff at the site travel to work as sustainably as possible. The planning application will be accompanied by a Travel Plan, setting out a range of measures to encourage green travel.
4. How will vehicles access the site?
A new roundabout will be created on the B4005, allowing access to the site for cars and HGVs. Proposals for this new access arrangement can be seen on the illustrative masterplan on the proposals page.
The site access, internal roads, servicing and parking areas have been designed to safely accommodate all vehicle types as per good practice design guidance. The layout has also been tested with vehicle tracking software to ensure safe and efficient access for all road users.
1. How will you ensure the site is built sustainably?
We are keen to ensure the site is as sustainable as possible, and will be targeting a BREEAM Excellent rating for sustainable construction for the customer amenity building.
The amenity building will employ a variety of measures to reduce carbon emissions during construction and operation, such as a green living roof and highly energy efficient building design.
We are also planning to install solar panels on the roofs of both the car fuel filling station and the HGV fuel filling station to generate renewable energy on site.
2. How will the proposals enhance biodiversity?
We are targeting at least a 12.5% net gain in biodiversity, to be delivered on site. We are planning to dedicate a large part of the site to the east to creating new habitats for nature to thrive, such as new tree planting and wildflower meadows.
1. When will you submit a planning application?
We will be submitting an outline planning application to Wiltshire Council later in Autumn 2023, after we have reviewed and analysed feedback from the local community and stakeholders. This website will be updated throughout the planning application process.
2. How can I get in contact with the project team?
Our team would be more than happy to answer any questions at our dedicated email address (moto@devcomms.co.uk) or phoneline (0800 0803290).
You can also provide detailed feedback via our online feedback form.