Taylor Wimpey

Homestead View

A sustainable new community in South West Rugby.

Frequently Asked Questions

Community Facilities and Infrastructure

How will the new development impact local services and infrastructure?

The Homestead View development will support a sustainable community set within a distinctive and sustainable neighbourhood. It will include public open spaces and play areas to provide opportunities for residents to relax and play. Two primary schools and a secondary school will be delivered alongside a new local centre, with space for retail outlets and a GP surgery.

What impact will the development have on local employment?

The wider Homestead View development will create a range of job opportunities, through the allocation of 35 Hectares of land for employment development, and introducing new employment and training opportunities in retail, healthcare and education facilities. Additionally, jobs will also be generated throughout the construction phase, supporting the development of the site and contributing to the local economy.

New Homes

How many homes will be built, and what types will they include?

Up to 800 new homes will be built on Taylor Wimpey’s site, offering a variety of housing types and tenures to meet local needs, including an affordable housing provision. The final number and details of housing types and mix would be subject to future detailed planning applications and decided in collaboration with the council.

What measures are being taken to ensure the homes are energy efficient?

Taylor Wimpey is committed to sustainability, incorporating high standards for energy efficiency, cooling, and ventilation in all homes. The homes will be future-proof, designed to meet future sustainability regulations and be zero carbon ready.


Highways and Transport

What new highways infrastructure will be provided to support the development?

New highway infrastructure, such as the Homestead Link Road, interconnected walking and cycling paths and public transport services will link the development to Rugby town centre and the wider Homestead View community, while addressing current transport congestion.

How will vehicles access the site?

Vehicular access will be through a new community spine road and via the new Homestead Link Road.

Will there be access from Alywn Road?

There are no plans to provide a vehicle route from Alwyn Road other than via the new Link Road.

What public transport options will be available for residents?

Our designs for South West Rugby intend for all homes to be within walking distance of a bus stop. A new bus service will connect residents to the Local Centre, enhancing accessibility to key amenities. Additionally, bus-only access on the western edge of the site will facilitate direct connections to the employment land. The design of Cawston Lane and the new roads will support regular bus movements, ensuring effective integration of public transport throughout the development.


Environment and Sustainability

What measures will be taken to protect and enhance local biodiversity and green spaces?

Homestead View will prioritise the protection and enhancement of local biodiversity and greenspaces through a range of measures. Green infrastructure corridors will connect Cawston Spinney to Cock Robin Wood, promoting habitat preservation while enhancing community connectivity. Public open spaces and play areas will provide residents with areas to relax and enjoy nature. The site will feature Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SuDS), pocket parks, wildflower meadows, and enhanced hedgerows and trees, creating new habitats for wildlife and improving overall biodiversity.

Additionally, a Landscape Strategy will be designed and implemented to ensure the development integrates seamlessly with its surroundings, minimising visual impact on the local area and nearby residents.