Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. Why here?
The site has been allocated in the Lancaster District Local Plan, known as Policy SG7, for residential-led development, to meet Lancaster's long-term housing needs. It provides space for approximately 1000 new homes and necessary infrastructure and is in a sustainable location with access to existing key services and employment opportunities.
Q2. When will you submit a planning application?
Persimmon have recently submitted a request for an Environmental Impact Scoping Opinion from Lancaster City Council to inform our plans for a sustainable development in East Lancaster. The submission is not a planning application but will help clarify the environmental aspects we should consider when developing our proposals for the site. Documents relating to this application can be found on the council’s planning portal (Ref: 24/00438/EIO)
A hybrid planning application will be submitted later this year, informed by the feedback received through the public consultation.
Q3. Will the development be sustainable?
One of the main principles of our proposals is an environmentally led development, enhancing biodiversity where possible to benefit local habitats. We will also protect existing natural assets including wetland and waterside spaces.
We are dedicated to minimising the carbon footprint of our homes by meeting the latest government standards, incorporating heat pumps and solar panels into our designs. Our homes are generally 30% more energy-efficient than typical UK housing, enabling residents to save money while lessening their environmental impact. Additionally, we will adhere to the standards outlined in Lancaster City Council's Climate Change Emergency – Local Plan Review.
Q4. How will drainage and flood risks be managed?
New regulations require new development to ensure that water run-off rates do not exceed the normal rates associated with agricultural use of the site for a range of rainfall events. Across the site we will implement sustainable drainage systems that will help to manage water runoff.
Q5. How will the proposed development connect with the existing travel infrastructure?
Our plans include an emphasis on providing excellent connectivity to existing active travel routes along the River Lune, Lancaster Canal, Carton Road, the Ridge Estate & Ridge Lane, Stone Road Head. Everyday needs will be accessible via walking paths. The overall goal is to ensure that transport is safe, inclusive, and accessible.
Q6. How many houses will be built?
Our planning application for the site is currently being developed, and feedback received from this consultation will be used to finalise our proposals. We expect to deliver approximately 1000 homes including affordable housing provision.