Infrastructure Delivery
The illustrative Masterplan being brought forward by Barwood Land and Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd identifies all the main infrastructure requirements for the site as required by Policy 25 of the Core Strategy. The first key elements of the infrastructure to be secured through the outline planning application are as follows:
Vehicle access and highways infrastructure
The outline application secures the key highways and access infrastructure to the site. More information on this is available here.
The outline planning application identifies and proposes land for a new primary school with two form entry. Nottinghamshire County Council as the education authority will determine when the primary school will be required and delivered.
Discussions have taken place with NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) to consider the approach to healthcare provision required for the site and these will continue as the proposals develop.
The appropriate financial contributions to be made towards healthcare provision will be determined through the forthcoming outline application (as well as any future phase planning applications) and secured via a legal planning agreement.
Linear park and informal open space
The outline planning application secures approximately 26 hectares of public open space. This will include a new linear park to provide a parkland setting for the protected Second World War pillboxes. There is more information on this on the ‘Nature and Heritage’ page.

Formal open space and sports provision
Approximately 10 hectares of formal sports provision will be provided including football, rugby, and cricket pitches and sports pavilions. There will also be provision for other outdoor sports, which could accommodate tennis courts / bowling greens.
In addition to the above, multi-use games areas and dedicated children’s play areas will be provided across the site. An informal circular fitness trail will be incorporated around the edge of the whole site.
The site allocation Masterplan to be submitted with the outline planning application also sets out indicative locations for the additional infrastructure provided as part of future planning applications, such as a potential secondary school, a second primary school, employment areas, local centre and additional formal / informal open space.
The Masterplan can be seen on the 'What is proposed' page