Masterplan and first planning application
Barwood Land and Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd are highly experienced promoters / developers who control the land coming forward within this first planning application. They are working together in partnership to create one overarching site allocation Masterplan within which the planning application will sit, to ensure that the whole site is designed to the highest standard as a single concept.
Concept Masterplan
Slide to see the Outline Planning Application in the context of the wider Masterplan

The emerging Masterplan for the whole site is shown in the slider plan above and reflects the Borough Council’s Core Strategy requirements. It will provide:
c.4,000 new homes (with 2,500 homes to be provided up to 2028)
20 hectares of employment space, generating significant job creation opportunities
Land for a secondary school to serve the existing area and new community
Additional land for two new primary schools
Neighbourhood centre, comprising a local shop and community uses
Significant new highways infrastructure
c.65 hectares of public open space – including improvements to the path alongside Grantham Canal
Outline planning application – key features summary

As well as seeking planning permission for the site access, the outline planning application also sets out the proposed uses and location for the first phase of the project. This includes new transport infrastructure, c.2,250 new homes, a primary school, retail provision, significant areas of public open space, and sports pitch provision.
The area covered by the outline planning application is also shown on the slider plan above. The remaining elements of the Masterplan would be delivered via subsequent planning applications in a phased manner.
The key features of the outline planning application are as follows:
Primary vehicle access will be from the A52 Lings Bar Road via a new roundabout. The roundabout will also connect directly with Ambleside and provide improved and safer access into Gamston, with controlled pedestrian and cycle crossings.
Prior to the roundabout being delivered, the existing A52 / Tollerton Lane junction will be upgraded with traffic signals to provide initial access from the A52 into the scheme.
Tollerton Lane to the south will be downgraded to deter traffic through Tollerton and other villages, utilising traffic calming features and improving walking and cycling routes.
A new bus service and improvements to existing bus services will be supported and discussions with bus operators are ongoing to agree the most appropriate combination of new services.
Grantham Canal side will be enhanced to contain a fitness trail to encourage outdoor activity. New canal side open space will be created to enhance wildlife habitats.
New linear parkland will form an appropriate setting for the wartime pill boxes, for current and future generations to enjoy.