The site and planning context
The Gamston Fields site lies alongside the A52 to the east of Gamston and north of Tollerton, with Grantham Canal forming the northern boundary of the site. It is dissected by Tollerton Lane.
The site was allocated for development by Rushcliffe Borough Council in their 2014 Core Strategy. The Core Strategy sets out where new development should be located across the Borough and the land has been earmarked by Policy 25 for:
“A mixed-use development including around 2,500 dwellings up to 2028 [within the Plan period] and a further 1,500 homes post 2028, around 20 hectares of employment development, a neighbourhood centre and other community facilities as appropriate.”
Extract from Policy 25 of Local Plan Part 1 : Rushcliffe Core Strategy
The allocation is subject to a number of requirements, including; a mix of housing types and sizes with 30% affordable housing, a wide range of employment opportunities, improvements to road infrastructure (covered in more detail here) and production of a heritage strategy.
The site allocation area includes Nottingham airport, existing employment areas, existing residential homes and Nottingham Spire Hospital. However, these areas will be unaffected by the first, outline planning application being brought forward by Barwood Land and Taylor Wimpey UK Ltd.
The site also includes pill boxes from the Second World War. These will be sensitively incorporated into a new, central parkland setting, to protect and preserve them for the future. This approach enables closer public access to enjoy this heritage, and we also hope to provide interpretation boards with information on the site history for maximum engagement.

The land included in the first planning application covers an area of c.105 hectares to the north and west of Nottingham Airport and is currently in agricultural use. The Airport site is not included as part of this first planning application.
The Outline Application has now been submitted. This type of application will confirm the principle of the development (following the allocation of the site for development by the Borough Council) and details of the site’s vehicle access. An indicative view of what could be delivered on the site is, however, provided as part of the outline application, albeit these details, such as where development will be located on the site, will be subject to future detailed planning applications.