
Proposals for Hill Farm, Sharnbrook

Site Allocation

Site Location

The site is located to the east of Sharnbrook, and comprises approximately 38 hectares.

Redline plan of site

Sharnbrook Neighbourhood Plan

The site at Hill Farm, Sharnbrook has been allocated for development as part of the Sharnbrook Neighbourhood Plan, which was formally made by Bedford Borough Council in November 2021.

Policy S4 – Land at Hill Farm, Mill Road, allocates the site for a maximum of 500 dwellings with associated infrastructure.

A full version of the Sharnbrook Neighbourhood Plan can be found by scanning the QR code or clicking here. 

We have received a resolution to grant planning permission for the site in accordance with this policy.

You can now access and view the full set of scheme plans and reports that support the application, related to transport, heritage, design, ecology, energy, noise, arboriculture, and landscape.

Aerial image of site