
Proposals for Hill Farm, Sharnbrook

Frequently Asked Questions

We have set out below the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions in relation to the planning application.

Should you have any further questions which are not covered here, please visit our next steps page.

Community facilities and infrastructure

What benefit would this development bring to the existing community?

The proposals for the site represent a significant investment in Sharnbrook. Our proposals include:

  • Up to 500 new homes in a range of sizes, 30% of which would be affordable;

  • Provision of formal and informal open space including designated play areas an new 3Ha of woodland planting.

  • Land for a new community hub and / or doctors surgery;

  • Land for a new primary school; and

  • Up to 50% associated green space and infrastructure.

Measures of particular benefit also include significant levels of direct and indirect employment, an uplift in expenditure on goods and services in the local area, and enhanced Council Tax revenues from new residents.

Sharnbrook PC will also receive 25% of all Community Infrastructure Levy from Bedford BC to be spent addressing local priorities.

What areas will be available for leisure and open space for all?

The planning application includes provision for new open space, woodland and play areas on the site. New areas of inclusive public open space for formal and informal recreation are integrated by a network of pedestrian and cycle facilities.

New Homes

How many new homes will be provided on the site and how many of these will be affordable?

The Masterplan for the site proposes up to 500 new homes, with 30% of these being affordable (150  dwellings). This is in line with the requirements for development set within the Bedford Borough Local Plan 2030.

What type of houses will be provided?

A full range of new homes will be provided, from 1&2 bedroom properties to a small number of 5 bedroom homes.  The majority of homes will be 2&3 bedroom.

What are the plans for the Grade II listed former farmhouse and other farm buildings at Hill Farm?

As part of our ongoing work on the proposals for Hill Farm, Sharnbrook, in October 2023 we submitted a full planning application and listed building consent application for the Heritage area, which covers the existing farm buildings, barns, outbuildings and three bungalows.

The applications allow the replacement of the three existing bungalows on site, with three new detached dwellings and garages, on the western side of the application site. Further works include the demolition of modern agricultural buildings within the farm complex, whilst those barns with historic importance and the listed building will be converted into three dwellings which is on the eastern part of the site.

You can find further information on these applications by visiting the the Bedford Borough Council planning portal here and entering references 23/00240/LBC and 23/02222/FUL.

Highways and Transport

What improvements are expected to public and non-car transport in the area as part of the proposals?

The development will allow for a re-routed public bus service that will service the new residents.

The development will provide for a variety of paths that will link the green infrastructure to allow improved connectivity throughout the site. A dedicated footpath / cycleway will be provided to and from the Community Hub and School that will link back towards Sharnbrook.

How will vehicles access and leave the development and how will additional vehicle trips be managed?

Our technical team has prepared a detailed transport assessment as part of the planning application for the site which has involved detailed consultation with Bedford BC Highway Department.

Our proposals include: -

  • A new compact roundabout access junction off Mill Road with new bus stop locations, gateway feature, speed limit signs and localised footpath widening;

  • A new roundabout off the A6

  • A secondary vehicular access off Templars Way; and

  • Toucan Crossings and a new foot/cycleway south of The Poplars to the junction of Kennell Hill and Mill Road.


Green issues

How would drainage and flood risk be managed?

Drainage regulations require new development to ensure that water run-off rates into Mill Road sewer do not exceed the normal run-off rates associated with an agricultural use of the site. 

Our drainage strategy is based around a series of storage ponds into which surface water would drain. Each storage pond is fitted with a hydro-brake. This is a automated system which releases water from the ponds at a pre-set rate.

This on-site drainage infrastructure will ensure that the water flow released from the ponds remains below that which would occur if the site was used for agricultural purposes, with the flow remaining consistent even during periods of high rainfall. 

The applicant has worked with Anglian Water and commissioned a site-specific Modelling Report to evaluate foul water capacity and point of connection to ensure the foul water network can accommodate the proposed development.

A detailed report on drainage is contained within the planning proposals.

How will wildlife habitats be maintained on the site?

The Masterplan for this site will protect the onsite habitats through the protection and preservation of as many trees and hedgerows as possible, in addition to the planting of 3 hectares of new woodland which will improve on the overall sites existing bio-diversity value.

Redrow are also in the process of implementing a ‘Nature for People’ strategy in partnership with The Wildlife Trust, which works towards protecting and enhancing biodiversity on our developments. Further information on this can be found at redrow-wildlife-trust-pdf-brochure-updated-140322.pdf (

How much green/open space will there be at Hill Farm as a result of this development?

The new homes being built at Hill Farm are to be set within substantial areas of open space. Over 50% of the site would remain as open, green and amenity space, which is significantly in excess of the council’s policy requirements.


How can I view the planning portal?

You can access the planning portal via the council’s website or by using this link (Search plans - how to find planning documents and applications | Bedford Borough Council) alongside the following reference; 22/02193/MOF. 

Why has the detailed application changed to a hybrid planning application?

Following the submission of the Outline Planning Application for the erection of up to 500 dwellings at Hill Farm in May, work continued apace on preparing a detailed proposal for the site. A Full Planning application (detailed) was then submitted in September 2022. Working through the detail enables us to better answer questions raised by residents, such as how the various aspects of the development will work on the ground.

We are also mindful that people have concerns about impacts on infrastructure, so looking at matters such as highway improvements, access arrangements and drainage design will all provide a higher degree of clarity to residents that the technical work has been done to support the proposals going forward.

Having progressed the detail to such an advanced stage, and having now had the benefit of input from technical consultees engaged through the outline and detailed submissions, Bellway and Redrow, in conjunction with Bedford Borough Council, concluded that in order to best address the matters raised through this process, a Hybrid (part detailed, and part outline) Planning Application should be submitted, amending the master plan as required and replaning to accommodate the changes.

The Hybrid Planning Application for the site gives Full Planning Permission for the development of 304 dwellings, and associated infrastructure, and  Outline Planning Permission, with all matters reserved except access, for the development of 196 dwellings, a primary school, community hub and the provision of playing pitches and associated infrastructure.

How does the planning application relate to the Sharnbrook Neighbourhood Plan?

The Sharnbrook Neighbourhood Plan allocated the site for the construction of up to 500 dwellings, with supporting infrastructure. The Hybrid planning proposal closely aligns to the Sharnbrook Neighbourhood Plan, whilst providing further details relating to appearance, scale, settings, and infrastructure to support 304 dwellings in detail.

How can we contact Redrow and Bellway?

You can contact us either via email or by freephone. Please do contact us at or by freephone at 0800 080 3293.

How can I register my interest in a new home on the site?

If you would be interested in being contacted about new homes on the site in due course (should planning permission be granted), then please contact us directly at 0800 080 3293 or email